Sunday, August 29, 2010


Why is there certain songs that we don't like? We listen to something that has been highly recommended to us, and then just sit there and think “wow, that sucked.” But somebody else likes it. So does it really suck? Is it the music that's the problem, or is it us?
I believe it's neither. What is music? Music is emotion finding its release. It is the deepest feelings of the composer or musician. They have something in their heart, and they tell the world about it in a song. The people that like the song are the people that understand what the musician is tying to portray. They are the people that can relate to what the musician is trying to say. The people that don't like the music they're hearing are the ones that can't relate to the musician. Maybe they have never experienced the feelings the musician is putting forward. Or maybe they have, and they are trying to suppress the type of thoughts that are suddenly flooding over them. Either way, it's not the song that sucks, and it's not an attitude, it's simply personality. I can personally relate to almost every single form of music and feel the same thing the musician is feeling, from sorrow to anger to joy to chaos. But there are some people that hardly even feel attraction to music. Why? Are they hiding from the emotion it can bring, or do they just not understand what they can learn from music? But let's face it, it's the same thing with personal opinions, politics, etc. You will never find a single thing that everyone agrees on or likes. Music is the same.
When I came to realize this, I started to understand how thirty or forty people could come up to me and tell me they loved the song I just wrote, and then have one or two others tell me it was stupid and sounded like noise... and then add “but keep trying”, because that would make everything better. At first I was offended, but then I came to realize that it wasn't my song that sucked, and that it wasn't them that had poor judgment, it was the type of emotion in the song that they couldn't relate to.
So any of you musicians and composers out there, don't be discouraged by the two people that can't wrap their mind around your feelings. If you play what's in your heart, there will be someone out there who can relate.
You people who seem to think you need to explain why our music sucks, be nice about it. It's not our song you're bashing, it's our feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Heyy I really like that ... It makes complete sense I never thought about it that wayy.
    And yaa it's hard not to bristle when somebody dosen't like your song, because in your head you hear the story not the song or how it sounds.
